Vancouver "Thai Foot Reflexology & Massage" 7.0 Hours
1-Day, Fri. May 3, 2024 | 9:30AM - 5:30PM | No pre-requisites
Save $35 when paying a $100 non-refundable deposit by April 1st: $340+tx | After April 1st: $375+tx
Instructor: Sharon Brown-Horton, Certified Instructor with 'ITM Thai Massage School', Chiang Mai, Thailand and Registered NHPC Thai Massage Practitioner
Location: 'Healing Connections Wellness Centre' 10548 - 115th St. NW, Edmonton | 2nd Floor Yoga Studio
Credits: CRMTA 7.0 CEC's, CMMOTA 7.0 CEC's, NHPC 5.0 CEC's, MTAS 7.0 Primary CEC's
16 In-person spaces left in this course / 8 Online Streaming Spaces left in this course
Registration for Edmonton "Thai Foot Reflexology & Massage" 1-day, Fri. March 22, 2024
Total cost: $357.00 (tx incl.)
tel: 604-773-2645
Vancouver "Thai Massage on the Table" 2-Days, 14.0 Hours
2-Days, Sat. March 23 & Sun. March 24, 2024 | 9:30AM - 5:30PM Each Day | No pre-requisites
Course Cost: $495+$24.75tx | Total $519.75
Location: 'Alchemy Wellness Centre' 431 Mountain Highway, North Vancouver, 2nd Floor Yoga Studio
Credits: CRMTA 14.0 CEC's, NHPC 10.0 CEC's, CMMOTA 11.25 CEC's, MTANS 7.5 Primary CEC's, MTWPAM 14.0 Primary CEC's, MTAS 14.0 Primary CEC's, MTAM 14.0 Core Competency Credits
Instructor: Sharon Brown-Horton, Founding Director of Banyan Thai Massage Academy, Certified Instructor of the International Thai Massage School (ITM, Chiang Mai Thailand), NHPC Registered Thai Massage Practitioner
8 In-person spaces left in this course
Registration for Edmonton "Thai Massage on the Table", 2-days, Sat. March 23 & Sun. March 24, 2024
Course cost: $495+$24.75tx | Total: $519.75
"Thai Yoga Massage: Side-Lying, Prone & Seated Positions"
(Module 2) 21.0 Hours
Registration for Vancouver "Thai Yoga Massage: Side Lying, Prone & Seated Positions"
(Module 2) 3-Days, TBA
Pay a $100 non-refundable deposit to save your space
Cost: $650+tx
tel: 604-773-2645
pay $100 deposit: register for in-person course - coming soon
Vancouver "Thai Yoga Massage Module 1: Supine & Seated Positions"
3-Days: TBA
Pay a $100 non-refundable deposit to save your space.
Cost: $650+$32.50gst (Total $682.50)
Location: 'Alchemy Wellness Centre' 431 Mountain Hwy, North Van. BC 2nd Floor Yoga Studio
Instructor: Sharon Brown-Horton, Founding Director of Banyan Thai Massage Academy, Certified Instructor of the International Thai Massage School (ITM, Chiang Mai Thailand), NHPC Registered Thai Massage Practitioner
Credits: CRMTA 20.0 CEC's, CMMOTA 20.0 CEC's, NHPC 15.0 CEC's, BCRPA 20.0 CEC's, MTAS 20.0 CEC's
12 In-person spaces left in this course | No pre-requisites
Registration for Vancouver "Thai Yoga Massage: Supine & Seated Positions"
(Module 1) 3-Days, TBA
Pay a $100 deposit to save your space. Cost: $650+tx | Total cost: $682.50
tel: 604-773-2645
Pay $100 deposit: register for in-person course - coming soon!